Saturday, December 01, 2007

Return of the Jedi - Unanswered Questions

They've been showing all the episodes of Star Wars on TV, one per Saturday. Dominic and Pia have discovered this series and are slowly being 'turned' and drawn in.

We watched "Return of the Jedi" this weekend. Naturally, some of the story's complicated twists and turns were beyond their comprehension:

Pia: Daddy, why is Luke Darth Vader's son?

Daddy: Because Darth Vader is his father.

Pia: Why is Darth Vader his father?

* * *

Pia: (pointing to the emperor) Is he bad?

Daddy: Yes, he's very bad

Pia: Who?

* * *

Dominic: Is Jabba the Hotdog dead?

* * *

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