Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Horse

Pia is fascinated with horses.  Her favourite movie is 'The Black Stallion', and she could never get enough of it.  Many mornings, she can be found galloping around the flat on all fours:

Mommy: Pia, what are you doing?

Pia: (on all fours) I'm running like a stallion

Mommy: Do you like horses?

Pia: Yes

Mommy: Do you want to be a rider when you grow up?

Pia: No

Mommy: What do you want to be when you grow up?

Pia: I want to be a horse. (and off she gallops)

* * *

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Daily Report

Daddy comes home from the office.  Mommy opens the door to let Daddy in.  Sammy comes running to greet Daddy with the report of today's events:

Sammy:  Atoh atoh, weeshahua er pub blub blub blub hoosh shr wo avu bish ha hua.

And that comes with complete hand gestures.

* * *

Ahtoh, Ahtoh

Sammy is starting to learn to speak.  He begins each dialog with his favourite expression: "Ahtoh ahtoh".

If he had been clapping with his brother and sister earlier, he relates that event by saying, "Ahtoh ahtoh", and then clapping.

This has become his standard expression.

* * *

Cirque du Sammy

After learning to walk, the next step is learning to climb.  And Sammy enjoys climbing up on anything.

Leave him for five minutes and he has clambered up on the bunk bed's upper deck.  Turn around for a minute and he's up on a dining chair, already pushed away from the dining table and placed near the sink.  Be distracted for a few moments, and he's up on the dining table, about to open the coffee jar.

* * *


Sammy is starting to be able to say words after just one hearing:

Mommy: Sammy, say 'Daddy'

Sammy: Tahtee

Mommy: Say, 'Mommy'

Sammy: Mahmee

Mommy: Say 'Achie'  (elder sister)

Sammy: Atee

Mommy: Say 'Anya' (older brother)

Sammy: Ana

* * *

My eyes are broken

Off to church.  Dominic is wearing Mommy's sunglasses. Pia sees it and wants to wear it too:

Pia: Daddy I want to wear the sunglasses.

Daddy: You have to share. Dominic will wear it going to church, you can wear it on the way home.

Pia: But I need to put it on now.

Daddy: Why?

Pia: Because the sun is shining and my eyes will be...broken.  See I can't blink it.

* * *


Pia and Dominic are slouched on the big chair watching TV.  Pia stands up and goes to the kitchen.  Dominic takes over Pia's side of the big chair. 

Upon her return:

Pia: Mommy! Dominic is sitting in my place. I just went to the kitchen to get some wootah!

Daddy: (low voice, to Mommy) Did you hear how she pronounces water?

Daddy: (to Pia) Pia, what's that you're drinking?

Pia: Wootah

Another strange pronunciation she picked up at school. We think it's Australian, but not quite sure.

* * *

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Phone Home

Daddy calls home every day before he leaves the office. Lately, it has been Pia who's been answering the phone.

Daddy calls home...

Pia : (picks up the phone) Hello, is this Daddy?

Daddy: Yes, is Mommy there?

Pia: She's downstairs, washing clothes

(Not really)

Daddy: Can I talk to Dominic?

Pia: He's also downstairs, washing clothes

Daddy: Can I talk to Sammy?

Pia: He's also downstairs, washing clothes

A 20 month old child washing clothes?

* * *


Daddy calls home every day before he leaves the office. Lately, it has been Pia who's been answering the phone.

Daddy calls home...

Pia : (picks up the phone) Hello, is this Daddy?

Daddy: Yes, who is this?

Pia: (in her teeny-weeny voice) This is Mommy.

* * *

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Tickle me

Anya and Pia playing inside the house.  Then a lull.  Then:

Pia: Anya, can you tickle my butt?

* * *

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Eat! Eat!

Sammy likes eating.  Very much.  If he hears the slightest crackle of a potato chip bag, he will turn his head and run toward the sound. 

At 20 months, he still doesn't understand many words.  But he has begun to understand 'eat'.

One day, around 5pm, Mommy was cooking dinner, and the children were watching TV.

Mommy: (pops into the living room) Dominic, Pia, we will eat in five minutes.

Sammy hears the word 'eat', slides down the sofa, and runs to the kitchen.

Sammy: Eat, eat, eat.


* * *