Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bed wetting

It's been two months since we started weaning them from pampers (diapers). We've been waking up the two elder children at around 1am every morning to let them take care of wee-wee business, so that they won't do it in bed.

There are ways when we miss by a few minutes and it's too late.

One night, I went over to their bed and touched both to see if they are still dry.  Both were.  I picked up Domu and brought him to the toilet.  When we came back to bed, I picked up Pia, and she had already done her thing.  In bed.  Since then, I've started to pick up Pia first.

Current score since we started the program:

Pia : has wet the bed 6 times

Domu: 1 time.

How long will it take?

Painting class, Music class

We enrolled Domu in a painting class at his school.  It's his first time to use watercolors and he's enjoying it.  Meanwhile, so that Pia doesn't feel left out, we bought her a coloring book. 

They're both attending music class, singing Cantonese songs, which I'm sure they have no idea what it's all about.


Sammy got another round of immunization shots.  This time round it's for polio, and DPT (Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus).  They advised us to expect some fever.  So far, he's alright, although he seems to lack appetite.  He used to finish 6 oz fairly easily.  These days, 3 oz is enough for him. 

The talking baby?

Sammy is only eight weeks old and he's already saying his first word. 


We always greet him 'Hello Sammy! Helloooo' , and being the sociable baby, he smiles the cutest gummy smile possible and tries to reply back 'whooo' or 'whaaaugg'.

Recently his reply' becoming more and more clearer.  He's saying "hewoo".

Could it really be?

Domu and Pia started attending their extra-curricular English class.  Their former teacher was Mr. Marvin, who we understand has left for the Philippines.  So we were curious who their new teacher is.

Q: What's the name of your new English teacher?

Domu and Pia: Mr. Snake.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Birthday card

Pia received a special card on her birthday.



The photo doesn't do justice to the card's stunning craftsmanship and very finely detailed work.  How was it done? 

We don't believe it was made on earth; we think some kind of alien advanced technology was used to build it.

Really unbelievable. 

And now we wonder if the rest of us will receive similar cards on our birthdays.

Thanks Auntie Thelma and Uncle David.