Thursday, January 22, 2009

Messenger messing the message

If United Nations translators were like Pia, we would have more wars.  The children did not do their homework yesterday, so we made them promise to finish it today. 

Daddy calls home from the office to check on the promise:

Daddy: (talking to Pia) Did you finish the assignment I gave you yesterday?

Pia: (Confident) Yes

Daddy: Did Mummy give you new assignment?

Pia: (dreading the thought that Mummy might give them additional homework, very softly)...No...

Daddy: Can I talk to Mummy?

Pia: (handing the phone to Mummy) Daddy said you don't need to give us any more assignment.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Colour lessons

Sammy still needs help when he needs to poo. He sits on the toilet seat, with his feet on the seat cover.  Either Mummy or Daddy patiently hold him while he does his thing.

One day, while Sammy was making poo.

Daddy: Sammy, what colour is your poo?

Sammy: (thinks for a couple of moments, then sneaks a peek down). Boo-rown!

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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Damayond, Lelo, Triangoo, and Circool

Sammy is learning to identify shapes and colors.  He gets them now, but his pronunciation has catching up to do.

Mummy: (pointing to a white circle) What's this?

Sammy: (in his Mickey mouse voice) White circool!

Mummy: (pointing to a yellow square) What's this?

Sammy: Lelo squares!

Mummy: (pointing to green triangle) What's this?

Sammy: Green triangoo!

Mummy: (pointing to red diamond) What's this?

Sammy: Red damayond!

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