Saturday, November 18, 2017

Stir Fried Cognitive Dissonance

Daddy was stir-frying bitter melons, which Sammy doesn’t like to eat. His favourite is fried rice.

Sammy experiences confusion:

Sammy: Oh it smells so good, like fried rice!  But I know it’s not fried rice.  It’s something terrible!

* * *

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Nextlist, not Checklist

Daddy was getting ready to leave for work.

Sammy: Daddy, in how many minutes are you going?

Daddy: You want to leave the house together?  You want to go now? Are you ready?

Sammy: Yes

Daddy: (Noticing Sammy was wearing scruffy pants) Change your pants

Sammy: Don’t care. Next.

Daddy: Put on undies.

Sammy: Don’t care. Next.

Daddy: Did you shower?

Sammy: Don’t care. Next.

Daddy: (Giving up) Let’s go.

* * *

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

I Don’t Do Cat Fights

The cat killed a bird.  Pia was trying to place the dead bird’s body in a plastic bag but the cat keeps trying to pull it out.

Mummy: Sammy, go help your sister.  She’s trying to put the bird in a bag but the cat keeps pulling it out.

Sammy: (playing on the computer) And why would I want to take part in that?

* * *

Monday, November 06, 2017

Algebra Beneath Me

Sammy was studying Algebra with Daddy, how to combine like terms.

Daddy: So can you answer this?  (2xy + x + 5xy = 20)

Sammy: (Confused) There’s so many letters! How can I find out what x and y is?

Daddy: We’re not looking for the values, they don’t have any values.

Sammy: Oh. (Glaring at the letters) You are worthless to me!

* * *

Just Checking if Gravity is Always On

Pia was remembering when Sammy broke the swan sculpture she made in school.

Pia: Do you remember the swan? I told you to be careful because if you drop it, it will break.

Sammy: Oh yeah…

Pia: Then when I came back, it was broken.

Sammy: I was playing with it, and then accidentally dropped it, but it didn’t break at first, so I dropped it higher. And it broke!

* * *

Cold Cold Maths

Daddy was teaching Sammy Algebra, how to combine like terms.

Daddy: So if the terms have the same literal coefficients, like in 3x, and 5x, then you can add or subtract the terms. Do you get it?

Sammy: Yes, but I really don’t care.

* * *

Law Abiding Feet

Mummy noticed that Sammy’s feet are stinky.

Mummy: Sammy, how long since you changed your socks?

Sammy: Uhmm…you don’t want to know.

Mummy: Change your socks now.

Sammy: (busy playing at the computer) I can’t…. it’s against the law.

* * *

The Anti-Parent Force Field

Mummy went to the children’s room to place Sammy’s clothes in his cabinet.

Mummy: Sammy, where’s the key to open the window? 

Sammy: I don’t know.

Mummy: We need to open the windows and let fresh air in. Your room smells so stinky.

Sammy: But it’s supposed to smell like that, so that you don’t come in.

* * *

Saturday, November 04, 2017

There’s Always A Cloud On Every Silver Lining

Sammy achieved a perfect score in a national maths competition, becoming one of the 1.5% of the 32,000 test takers.

Daddy: Well done Sammy! You know what this means right?

Sammy: What?

Daddy:  Since you’ve shown you can achieve a perfect score, we now expect you to do this every year!

* * *

LIfe Lessons Can Kill You

Mummy takes every opportunity to remind the children how lucky they are by telling stories of how life was hard in our youth. 

One day she and Sammy were together ahead of the others. Suddenly Sammy sprinted away from Mummy and joined up with Daddy.

Daddy: Why did you leave Mummy?

Sammy: She started telling stories about her life…

Daddy: And?

Sammy: So I ran for my life!

* * *

Line is Busy

Mummy wanted to ask Dominic something:

Mummy: Anya are you busy?

Dominic: (In the toilet. No response)

Sammy: (Mimicking the voice of an automated phone attendant) Anya is busy. Please try another line.

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