Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Because aerodynamics came much later

We read stories from the Old Testament to the children, and they become sensitive to what people in olden times didn't know how to make. Things like cars, computers, airplanes, etc.

Tonight's story was about Jericho's walls, which crumbled after the Israelites blew their trumpets against it.

Dominic: (in the upper bunk) I think that's not true.

Daddy: Why not?

Dominic: Because people in the old times didn't know how to make trumpets.

Daddy: Well, yes they did.  They knew how to make things from metal.  Of course, they didn't know how to make electrical things.

Pia: (in the lower bunk) Like electric fans?

Daddy: Yes they didn't have electric fans. 

Pia: What did they use when it's warm?

To illustrate, Daddy grabbed the nearest thing around -- an inch-thick book -- and fanned himself with it.

Daddy: If they wanted to keep cool, they fanned themselves like this.

Pia: They used a book?

* * *

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