Saturday, July 21, 2007

Don't tell me to Pee

Dominic's normal morning routine upon reaching school is to go to the toilet to wee-wee, wash his hands, then go to his classroom. 

One morning as we neared the toilet...

Daddy: (going through the daily motions) Ok, go to pee, then go to your classroom.

Dominic: (stiff as a rock)

Daddy: (louder voice) Go to pee now!

Dominic: (face turning red, groaning) Daaadeee....

Daddy: What's wrong?

Dominic: (boiling red) Don'

Daddy: ??

Then looking around, the reason became clear.  A pretty little girl was loitering nearby. Our little Romeo who has only just recently graduated from 'wee-wee' to 'pee' is now embarrassed at being told to pee within earshot of pretty girls. 

My days as a 'cool' Dad are numbered.

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