Monday, September 03, 2007

The Birds

At the zoo. The birds swarm all around Dominic as he ate his sandwich. This one bold enough to look him in the eye. Up to 6 birds loitered close by, waiting for the tiniest of scraps to fall down.

They have stunningly sharp eyes and can notice breadcrumbs as small as a grain of rice. The moment one falls down, it gets pecked.

It's incredible how little the human race (or maybe just our family) know about the different species of birds, and we had to decide whether these were seagulls or pigeons. I'm sure they're neither. We just have no clue what they are. Ornithologists we are not.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm no ornithologist either, but that looks like your garden variety seagull.

Incidentally, they say it's a bad idea to feed them bread. Not only does it not contain any nutrients they need, it also swells in their stomach, making them feel fuller and makes them eat less food.

They actually have signs up around here that say the same thing. We used to feed them the crusts of the sandwiches that Sara didn't like to eat (that was when she was probably 5-6 years old), but we have since stopped doing that.

It also helps that, at nearly 10 years old, Sara is now not so picky when it comes to the crust and eats them now.