Thursday, May 03, 2007

The little engine that could

As a baby, Sammy's options for amusement are pretty limited.  If he's not in his playpen, he's usually sitting in his high-chair.  Sitting in a chair for hours can get pretty boring as you may imagine, so Sammy has devised a little game to amuse himself.

He'll close his mouth lightly, then make a sustained blow of air pass through his lips, making them flap together very rapidly, producing a high pitched purring sound, only it doesn't go prrrr.  It goes: brrrrrrrrrr-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-brrrrrrrrrrrrr-brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-brrrrrrrrrrrr.

When he's getting into it, he will also use his fingers to flick his already flapping lips, making the sound even more bubbly: blu blu blu blu blu blu blu blu blu blu BLU BLU BLU BLU BLU BLU BLU BLUB!

There's our little engine on the go. 

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