Friday, August 04, 2006

Baby Brother

Dominic and Pia's baby brother arrived in Hong Kong on July 24 via Cesarean airlines. The original plan was to arrive by Normal air, but it is already three days overdue, so the doctor decided to proceed with Cesarean section. Of course, the mother was given enough time to decide on such a major decision: two hours.

The operation went smoothly, taking just under 30 minutes. Baby was delivered by a female Dr. Han, a name which sounds like she came from the mainland. We were both apprehensive and hopeful. Apprehensive because, well, she's from the mainland, and mainlanders were considered rather backward in Hong Kong. Hopeful because if she's in Hong Kong, then she must be among the best from the mainland. Anyway, those are all conjectures, we don't really know where she comes from.

The mother tries to breastfeed but at this time there's not much milk, so the baby's food is supplemented by formula. The hospital uses Frisolac Advanced.

A day after delivery he has already been vaccinated with BCG. Just before being discharged from the hospital he was given oral polio vaccine, to be followed up a few weeks later with another polio vaccine. We were given warning that his feces and urine may contain traces of the weakened polio virus, so proper precautions have to be taken, especially if any member of the household isn't vaccinated.

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