Sunday, June 03, 2007

What's going out of here?

Pia is still too young to be in school, so she spends her days at home playing, studying, and watching kids' TV.

From watching Australians on TV, she picks up phrases and pronunciations here and there.  For instance, she often pronunces me as 'may', instead of the American style 'mee':

Mommy: Pia, come here!

Pia: "Are you calling may, Mommy?"

But sometimes she mishears things, something understandable if you know how the Aussies speak (somtheyng ohndersteyndabl eif you noy how Oyzzeis spake)

These past few days she's been going around saying "what's going out of here?", or "Daddy, what's going out of here?", or "Hey, what's going out of here?", which we think is her mishearing of "what's going on here?"


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