Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Feeding Master Sammy - Off With You!

Not for the faint of heart is the job of feeding a baby.

Sammy's appetite varies from feeding to feeding.  Some foods, like sweets, are always welcome.  But he cannot be fed on sweets alone, so real food must find a way in.

And the way in can be hard and narrow when he decides he doesn't want to eat.

As soon as he senses the next spoonful of food coming toward him, he'll shake his head left and right -- a firm 'No'

Usually he won't even give the courtesy of looking at you when he shakes his head.  He will look away, or past you, or up at the ceiling. "Begone slave, I am full", seems to be the proper English translation.

If you don't heed the No, and you still move the spoon closer, he'll turn his face away, to the left.  Go to his left, and he'll turn to the right. Go to his right, and he'll turn back to the left.  Left. Right. Left. Right. All this time his mouth is locked tight and you have no chance of inserting the food at all.

"Come on, Sammy, open your mouth" is the hopeless refrain you sing during this dance.

The little king gets agitated and shakes his head even more wildly: Off with you!  Do you not know what No means?


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