Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sammy has started to want to pick up the phone each time it rings. And when he grabs it, it’s very hard to make him let go and pass the phone to Mummy.  It’s starting to become a struggle between Mummy and Sammy.  Each one is starting to devise techniques to make sure they grab the phone first.

One day, the phone rings.  Sammy runs to the phone and picks it up. He sees Mummy coming. 

Sammy: (stretches open palm towards Mummy) Stay! Stay!

* * *

1 comment:

Jun said...

Stay, huh?

All of the phones in the house are on tables that are too high for the babies to reach. That's probably why they never developed the habit of picking up the phone when it rings; they just say 'Look! Phone!'