Saturday, August 18, 2007

What's your Footy team?

Prior to coming to Australia, we read that the Aussies are crazy about their sports.  After a few months living here, it has become clear that not only was that statement true, but also that 'crazy' was a carefully chosen adjective. 

Among their sports, it seems Footy is one of the kings. 

Footy is their football, a game which has little resemblance to soccer.  To this untrained eye, it looks like American football on planet Mad Max (we don't use helmets and shoulder guards -- they tend to splinter and crack open during play)

Walking around the neighbourhood one day we came upon three boys, aged 8, 5, and 2 playing with a footy 'ball'.  The 2 year old looked like he just learned to walk this morning, and was already raring to play footy with a ball half his size.

"Dominic!" yelled out the 8-year old.

Daddy: (surprised, to Dominic) Do you know him?

Dominic: No.

Daddy: How come he knows your name? 

Dominic: He's in my school.

Boy: Dominic, what's your footy team?

It's just taken for granted that everyone, including 6 year olds, has a footy team.


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