Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Sammy was busy playing games at the computer. Daddy was at the kitchen counter. He had just finished chopping garlic, onions, and other veggies, and was about to start cooking lunch.

Daddy: Sammy…

Sammy: WHAT!

Daddy: Can you clean up the countertop?

Sammy: <groan> Oh, all right…

Daddy: Thank you.

Sammy: You’re not very welcome.

* * *

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Laminated Chicken

The family was eating roast chicken for lunch and there was some marinade sauce in the chicken’s plastic bag.

Sammy: Oh there’s some left over laminated sauce from the chicken. Can I pour it on my plate?

Daddy: What do you mean?

Sammy: You know how they laminate the chicken before serving it to make it tasty?

Daddy: (Confused) No they don’t laminate the chicken.

Sammy: Yes they do! They do it to make it yummy.

Daddy: No laminate means to cover it with plastic.

Sammy: Oh oops I meant marinade.

(PS: Sammy wrote this blog entry)

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Advanced Options Thinking

The family went to RMIT University for its Open Day, to check out this university. Two weeks ago Mum and the kids went to the University of Melbourne for a similar event.

While sitting in an auditorium waiting for a talk to begin, Daddy asked Sammy (10 years old) what he thinks about the two Unis:

Daddy: Sammy, which Uni do you prefer? This one or the one you visited last time?

Sammy: (Munching on a Mentos candy) I like this one better.

Daddy: Why?

Sammy: This one gives you more options.

Daddy: (Whoa. ‘Options’. Big word for a child. Is my son a genius?) Options huh? What do you mean?

Sammy: They give out many different lollies.  They only had free coffee in the other school.  Plus I think they have barbecue every week here.

RMIT it is then.

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Monday, August 01, 2016

The House Whisperer

One night, it started hailing, making such a loud ruckus around the house.  Sammy was worried:

Sammy: Daddy, is that hail?

Daddy: I think so.

Sammy: It feels like the house will collapse!

Sammy: (Addressing the house) BE STRONG! BE CONFIDENT!

* * *

We Just Want You Healthy. Now Climb into the Oven…

Sammy’s eating lunch:

Mummy: Sammy, do you want some more food?

Sammy: Mummy, you’re making me eat too much.  You’re making me fat…are you going to eat me?

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Monday, March 07, 2016

Isn’t That A Word?

Pia was asking what their nationality was:

Pia: What else are we?

Daddy: Well, we’re also Australian citizens

Pia: But we weren’t born here

Daddy: We immigrated to Australia

Pia: So we’re immigrators?

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