Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Setting of the Story

Sammy read a story book from school.  Mummy was testing Sammy but Sammy could not understand the meaning of ‘setting’:

Mummy: Sammy, where was the setting of the story?

Sammy: What do you mean “setting”?

Mummy: Where did the story happen?

Sammy: Seriously, what does that mean?

Mummy: I mean, where were the characters when the story happened?

Sammy: In the book!

* * *

Monday, February 13, 2012

Drawing – 11 Days of Christmas

Pia made some nice drawings about her 11 days of Christmas (she wasn’t able to finish the 12th)


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Pia’s Drawing–3rd Day of Christmas


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Pia’s Drawing – 2nd Day of Christmas


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