Saturday, June 18, 2011


Mummy baked some muffins.  Chocolate flavoured ones. Cinammon / orange flavoured ones. Orange flavoured ones.

Sammy and Pia were having some:

Mummy: Sammy, do you like the muffins?

Sammy: Yes! I love them. So yummy!

A few minutes later:

Mummy: Sammy, do you want some more muffins?

Sammy: I don’t like it anymore. I think I’m going to vomit.

* * *


Daddy was having dinner (he eats dinner alone on weeknights because everyone has already eaten by the time he comes home from work)

Pia: Daddy, look at my handbag.  It’s got everything I need: my sunglasses, my pen, my notebook, my vulture…

* * *

The Stoyr Wirter

Pia loves horses.  She also loves to write stories. But her spelling needs improvement.

She drafted a story with the interesting title:


The Hores Who Ran Away from the Big Bad Wolf

* * *

Faith, Hope, and Charity 2

The 3 theological virtues are: faith, hope, charity (or love).  The children were finding the 3 words strange-sounding while they tried to memorise them:

Daddy: Pia, what are the 3 theological virtues?

Pia: (thinking)… hate … hope … charity?

* * *

Faith, Hope, and Charity

The children were learning about the 3 theological virtues: faith, hope, and charity.  Three strange words. The children were struggling to remember them:

Daddy: Sammy, what are the 3 theological virtues?

Sammy: Fake… hope… charity

* * *

There’s the Rub

The children were playing with a toy yacht construction set.  It had hundreds of small plastic parts which interconnect. 

Sammy built a 15-inch long stick which bends when you wave it.

Sammy: (waving his wand) Daddy! Mummy! Look! It’s like rubber…

(Then he noticed that it wasn’t bending at all).

Sammy: … but it doesn’t do much rubbing

* * *

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Mummy and the kids were walking to the nearby playground. 

It was about 4pm, but the moon was visible.  Sammy noticed the moon was shaped like a crescent:

Sammy: Look!  Someone cut the moon!

* * *