Saturday, April 30, 2011

Future Master Chefs

Mummy is thinking of what to cook for dinner tonight.

Mummy: I think I have to take out the pork from the freezer so we can cook it later.

Pia: What’s “pork” ?

Sammy: Fish!

* * *

Let’s hop to the hardware

There’s a large DIY hardware shop in Australia called ‘Bunning’s Warehouse.’  They sometimes have workshops for kids. We brought the children once and they liked it.

One day:

Sammy: Mummy, when can we go again to Bunny’s Warehouse?

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Baby Boomer

Four-year old Sammy approaches Daddy:

Sammy: Daddy…

Daddy: Yes?

Sammy: I want to rock and roll.

* * *

Spy Web

After watching Jackie Chan’s movie, “The Spy Next Door”, the children want to be spies when they grow up:

Pia: Daddy, do spies have to work at night?

Daddy: Sometimes.

Pia: Oh, I don’t want to go out at night.

Daddy: Why?

Pia: I might touch some web!  I’m afraid of webs.

* * *


The children love Jackie Chan’s movie, “The Spy Next Door”.  They all want to be ‘spies’ when they grow up.

Pia: Daddy, I want to be a spy when I grow up.

Daddy: Ok.

Pia: Do spies always have to work at night?

Daddy: Sometimes.  Why?

Pia: I’m afraid of the dark.

* * *

Boring Homework

The children have to take their NAPLAN tests soon, and we are busy preparing them.  Pia has to type out the 1000 most common words in English, to help her remember their spelling:

Pia: (after taking 1 hour to type just 20 of the words) Oh…  this is so boring!  This will take forever!

Daddy: Just keep on typing.

Pia: I want to punch you!

* * *

Early Morning Soccer

Sammy likes to play soccer. One night:

Sammy: Mummy, can we play football?

Mummy: It’s already late Sammy.  We can play tomorrow.

Sammy: Ok

The next day. Sunday. 8:00 am.  Sammy tiptoes into Mummy and Daddy’s room. Mummy’s still asleep. 

Sammy: (whispering into Mummy’s ear) Mummy… can we play football now?

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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Getting older

Sammy was looking for a toy he had been playing with. It was at Daddy’s desk earlier.

Sammy: Daddy, did you see the toy I put on your desk?

Daddy: You took it from my desk.

Sammy: Do you know where I put it?

Daddy: No.

(Sammy keeps looking nearby, then suddenly sees where had misplaced it)

Sammy: Doh! There it is.  I’m a silly old man!

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