Monday, December 28, 2009

How to kill Asuwangs

Daddy was telling the children about traditional Philippine ghosts and ghouls:

Daddy: And there’s the asuwang, the most evil and most scariest of all

Dominic: Can you kill it?

Daddy: You can’t kill it, but you can hang garlic around your windows so it can’t come close to you.  It’s afraid of garlic.

Dominic: Does it have to be garlic?

Daddy: Yes

Dominic: Why can’t we use peanuts?

* * *

The Hick

Sammy has picked up a new expression (‘what the heck’).

One day, while playing with the computer:

Sammy: Hey, look I have no more life…what the hick!


Sammy: There’s no more chips…what the hick!

* * *

If it looks like strawberry and sounds like strawberry then it must be strawberry

Sammy is eating ice cream strawberry cheesecake. He notices the red jelly topping and starts licking it:

Sammy: Yum…it sounds like strawberry!

* * *

Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Fact of Life

3-year old Sammy has been having tantrums, complaining about everything.  He’s starting to drive exasperate Mummy.

Mummy: <Sigh> Sammy, give me a break.

Sammy: Mummy, there is no break!

* * *


Sammy is walking about the house pretending to be a robot.

Sammy: I…am…a…robot.  I…am…a…robot. I…am…a…robot.

After a while, he goes to Mummy.

Sammy: Mummy…I…need…to…poo.

* * *